Where every person feels fully valued, fully motivated, and fully cared for.
Imagine being in this environment everyday… We all deserve to be.
The Book
Create Greatness in Self and Others Through Inclusive, Mindful Caring
A Harmonic Leader creates an environment where every person feels fully valued, fully motivated, and fully cared for. Imagine being in that kind of environment… we all deserve to be.
Harmonic Leadership is for those who want to be a more positive, inclusive and mindful caring leader, manager, team-member, coach, teacher, community-member, parent, spouse/partner, and friend. It's for those who want to make a positive impact on the world. Everyone in the world has the opportunity to be a leader and make the world a better place. So, this book is for everyone.
The key to developing as a leader is to increase self-awareness. This book provides the key through the many reflection activities, self-assessments, guides, and models that will be used to unlock greatness.
The printed and eBook versions of the book are available for traditional purchase on the BookBaby Bookshop site, where authors receive a fair share of the profits. It’s also available at all major book retailers (Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Apple Books, and others).
The PDF-Version of the book is available on The Downloads page. We offer this as a free gift to help create more harmony in the world.
The book is written by Brian Lowell French who is available for speaking, teaching, and coaching engagements.
A Life-Giving Environment
Brian Lowell French introduces you to the book and shares how embracing Harmonic Leadership creates a life-giving environment for all people.
Harmonic Leadership YouTube Channel
This channel is dedicated to providing leadership development for all, in a free format. The short episodes are focused on the content within the Harmonic Leadership book, by sharing the various models and tools in an informal format that provides a strong basis of understanding. The channel can be used to supplement the reading of the book, and/or as supplemental learning for those within a Harmonic Leadership learning program.
The Chapters
1 - Establish Baselines
Establish baselines to set the right leadership rhythm.
Assess core capabilities and discover concepts at the core of Harmonic Leadership.
2 - Heighten Performance
Heighten performance by aspiring to achieve goals.
Utilize balanced management and leadership to set and reach aspirational expectations.
3 - Activate Leadership
Activate Leadership through positive strengths.
Display a positive leadership style by minimizing negativity and sharing positivity.
4 - Reach Understanding
Reach understanding by communicating clearly.
Flex to meet the communication needs of others to discover the path to agreement.
5 - Motivate Greatness
Motivate greatness to aim for the highest level.
Reach the intrinsic motivators to build the initiative to strive for achievement.
6 - Optimize Teaming
Optimize teaming to strengthen commitment.
Strengthen the team to grow a collaborative, resilient and inclusive culture.
7 - Nurture Growth
Nurture growth for continual development.
Provide the path to potential with learning, development and coaching.
8 - Increase Focus
Increase focus through mindful attention.
Develop deeper focus and concentration on what is most important.
9 - Create Trust
Create trust to foster inclusion and caring.
Build an inclusive and respectful culture where trust is fully shared.